For this piece I gathered pieces of bamboo that washed up on the shore and organized the sticks by how dark and how light they were that morning. I was modeling my art work after Kazimir Malevich's Black Square (1923-1930) by using the negative space to draw attention to the positive space. The negative space in my art work are the dark sticks surrounding the lighter shaded square made out of sticks. Those dark sticks are used as a contrasting background, so that the viewer can focus on the positive space (the lighter square). On the edges of both squares I put sticks facing the opposite direction of the other sticks to separate both squares and to show where they end.,_1915,_Black_Suprematic_Square,_oil_on_linen_canvas,_79.5_x_79.5_cm,_Tretyakov_Gallery,_Moscow.jpg
For this piece I gathered palm leaves of all three shades/life cycles to show the digression from a healthy green plant to a dying tan colored plant. I was inspired by Nikolai Buglaj's "Race"ing Sideways (1991) that shows a light skinned runner with a black outfit change to a darker skinned runner in a lighter running outfit from left to right. When I created this piece I originally wanted it to be a representation of this plant's life cycle from young to old in a rhythm repetition pattern. The rhythm repetition pattern is similar to Nikolai Buglaj's "Race"ing Sideways (1991).
For this piece I did absolutely nothing, except take this close up picture of a Blue-tailed skink lizard. I was trying to create a linear piece of work until I this lizard that stood out in a "field of greens" with its bright blue tail. When I showed this picture to my friends the first thing that caught their eye was the lizard's blue tail. The lizard's tail is the focal point of this piece, because it grabs your attention the moment you look at it. When you look at the lizard's blue tail you can see some sort of implied line that was created by its color even though there is not line marked like an arrow.
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